Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hello from Henry

If you are taking time to read this blog post, thank you. There's a pretty good chance you already know me if you are reading this. But if not, I look forward to making a new friend in Christ!

The blog posts from my wife, Teresa, will be spiritual nourishment for those seeking wisdom and knowledge in the Word. My posts...well, they will fall more into a different category - instead of nourishment, I feel moved to share my thoughts and ideas about a wide range of topics and subjects, looking at those things from the prism of a Christian in an increasingly godless society.

So expect me to talk about things that interest me - politics, music, films, sports, family life, hobbies, etc., etc. I will openly share my thoughts and opinions, and if you have something you want to add, you are very welcome to do so. It's always better when conversations are more than one-sided!

Thanks again for reading, and we'll talk again very soon.


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